Hello again!
I doubt anyone is still reading this blog, but if there are any returning readers, I have this to say to you:
How the hell? Welcome back?
It's been a long time: A decade maybe? I don't remember. A lot has happened since the last time I posted. Good, bad, falling down, getting up. I vaguely remember my last post being an emo post about midterms while I was at a very low point and not in a great mindset. I can't believe I really blogged regularly at some point in my life. I'm thinking about starting over again, and since this blog already has some views and I don't know how search engine whatever works, I thought I might as well make use of that.
Basically, I was in high school when I blogged before and since then I went to college, moved to San Diego, diagnosed myself with depression, figured out vaguely what I wanted to do with my life, got hit by a truck, somehow survived with minimal brain damage, graduated college, diagnosed myself with anxiety, and found a job, in that order. And now the world is ending. All interesting developments.
Is it too much to ask that if you read this, leave a comment so I know it's still alive? You don't have to say anything, just leave a . or something. If I don't get anything I'll just move to a different account or a different medium and start over. Or maybe I'll stay.